This feature is built using a powerful Workflow and Automation framework to transform how users manage Purchase Order (PO) policies and related exception handling within the AppZen system.
The Scope Group settings enable the Functional Admins to define PO Policy settings and PO Exception Handling at the Entity and Supplier Levels.
The major configurations that a Functional Admin can configure on this page are:
- Define Scopes and configure PO Policies at the entity or supplier level, overriding the global policy.
- Configure custom exception handling, thereby allowing each exception to be handled according to the business policy for that entity or supplier.
- Group similar scopes. Also, set up the precedence of the scopes when multiple scopes match for an invoice based on either supplier or entity.
So, let’s get started on the Scope Group Settings.
Navigate to the left navigation menu panel and select Autonomous AP > Setup & Configurations > Scope Group Settings.
Fig: Scope Group Settings page
Setup Scope Group
The Scope Group Settings page displays two tabs: Scope Groups and Precedences.
By default, the first tab, Scope Groups, opens. The Scope Groups enable admins to set up the configurations by adding new scopes on top of the “Global” and set conditions at the Entity and Supplier levels.
The Default Group is enabled globally, and it expands to display that it is “Enabled for - PO Policy Settings and Exceptions Settings.”
Fig: Default Group is applicable at a global level
NOTE: As soon as a Customer Organization is created, the “Default Group” with PO Policies and Exception Handling Configurations will be assigned along with the default Precedence. The default precedence that will roll out is
To add new Scopes, click on the icon beside the Global scope. It expands to add the new Scope fields. You can “Rename” the scope for easy identification. We renamed the Scope to “New Scope”.
Fig: Add new Scopes and rename it.
Next, move to the Conditions, which will be applicable against the newly defined Scope. Here, select the entities and suppliers for which the scope is required to be activated. Admins can choose and apply multiple Entities and Suppliers to a Scope.
After the Conditions are set, click on the Save Changes. A toast message confirms that the Scope is saved successfully. To revisit the changes done to the Scope, click on Discard Changes.
Fig: Set the Conditions for the newly defined Scope.
You need to set the conditions to ensure the Scope is processed. Please see the image below to see the kind of error functional admins can expect to view on the screen.
Fig: Without setting the conditions, you cannot save the newly created Scope.
Navigate to the PO Policy Settings Page
After the Scope is set, admins need to enable the Scope for the required settings. They require you to navigate to the required configurations page and enable the Scope.
For example, if admins enable the Scope for PO Policy. They need to navigate to Autonomous AP > Setup & Configurations > PO Policy Settings.
On the PO Policy page, clicking on the icon in the Scope section shows the list of the additional Scopes to choose from. Like in the image below, the “new Scope” appears and is selected.
Fig: Apply the new Scope on the PO Policy Settings.
Defining Scopes for Various PO Policy Levels | ||
Combined Supplier and Entity Level | Only a Supplier or an Entity Level | Global Level, across all Customers and Suppliers |
Click the toggle button to make the Scope active while setting up the PO Policies. The Inactive button turns to Active. If the users no longer need to access the Scope, then Archive the Scope.
To enable the PO Policy for the given Scope, Turn ON the toggle “Apply PO Policy” button and enable the Scope for the configured Entities and Suppliers.
Fig: Active the Scope on the PO Policy Page
Defining Scopes for Various PO Policy Levels: Scopes will define the PO Policy at the following levels | ||
Combined Supplier and Entity Level | Only a Supplier or an Entity Level | Global Level, across all Customers and Suppliers |
TIPS: The ability to define PO Policy at the Entity and Supplier Level provides flexibility per business needs to define multiple PO Policies per customer organization enlisted in the AppZen system. |
ALSO NOTE: If the PO Policy is disabled at the default Scope, there are certain behaviors that we are expected to view.
If the PO Policy is disabled at the default Scope Level, then there are a few behaviors to be noticed on the system:
- Each Specific Scope [Supplier, Entity] will have its defined PO Policy.
- If no other Scope(s) has the PO Policy enabled, and if it is set to OFF by Default, then it indicates that the customer doesn’t want any PO Policy implemented.
To add a new Scope to this section, click the “+” button. Refer to the screenshot below to locate the button.
Setup Scope-Level Precedences
On the Scope Group Settings Configurations page, click on the next tab, Precedences. This page displays the Default Group and globally available settings. It allows the user to set the Precedence Settings by configuring the hierarchy among the available options.
In the Groups section, select the Group to set the precedence. Here in the screenshot, the admin has selected Default Group. Next, choose the appropriate option in the Precedence settings.
The precedence of the Scopes should be defined when multiple Scopes match for an Invoice based on either Supplier or Entity.
Precedence at the Scope Group level works in the given manner: -
- If both Supplier and Entity from the Invoice match a Scope, this scope will be selected.
- If there is no matching Scope based on Supplier and/Or Entity, then the Global or the Default Scope will be selected.
- If two scopes match an invoice, one based on Supplier and Entity, the Scope based on the Match Precedence defined in the “Scope Group” will be selected.
TIPS: The ability to define PO Policy at the Entity and Supplier Level provides flexibility per business needs to define multiple PO Policies per customer organization enlisted in the AppZen system. |
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