Autonomous AP Analytics helps organizations understand spending patterns, risks, and exceptions. This platform lets organizations quickly identify spend patterns that may cause concern, such as repeated high-risk spending or exceptions. Additionally, the platform's customizable capabilities provide organizations with multiple options to tailor it to their needs.
The platform provides a comprehensive view of auto-approved and manually approved spend, along with tags for high-risk spending and exceptions. Thus, organizations can quickly identify and address potential issues in their Accounts Payable processes without IT involvement or manual intervention.
Below are details and features of some standard dashboards.
Autonomous Metrics Dashboard
The Autonomous Metrics dashboard gives an overview of the invoices processed autonomously and those requiring manual interventions.
The AP Staff can refine this dashboard according to the requirements, filtering by Time Granularity, Autonomous Levels, Transformed Timestamp, Entity Name, Supplier Name, PO-backed, and AppZen Status.
The dashboard breaks down the Total Number of Invoices into the following categories:
- Autonomous (Learning + Touchless): The system processes invoices automatically without any manual intervention, including touchless and learning invoices.
- Touchless: Invoices are processed autonomously by the system without any manual intervention.
- Learning: Invoices that are “Semi-autonomous” or “AI-learning.” The fields of such invoices are extracted, and predictions are provided, but they need manual review and confirmation. This generally happens when the AI needs feedback from an AP Staff to be more confident in the extractions and predictions.
- Assisted: Invoices from which the AI cannot extract fields and/or provide predictions but needs an auditor to annotate the fields manually are termed “assisted.” These scenarios primarily occur if the type of invoice differs from the generic invoice, the language on the invoice is different, or if the invoice is such that no prior feedback has been provided.
The Autonomous Metrics dashboard is segregated into three tabs - All Invoices, Extractions, and Accounting.
- All Invoices Tab
The All Invoices tab provides a summarized view of all the invoices in the system per the applied filters. This view provides visibility into the top suppliers at autonomous levels. It also offers drill-down capabilities into the invoice details and the corresponding Invoice Autonomous levels, Extraction Autonomous levels, PO Matching Autonomous levels (for PO-backed invoices), and GL Coding Autonomous levels (for Non PO-backed invoices).
- Extractions Tab
The Extractions tab focuses on autonomous processing for the fields extracted from the invoice document. This view provides more visibility into the respective fields on an invoice basis of their autonomous levels and the defaulting Suppliers' basis of the autonomous levels. It provides a clear view of how the autonomous process has progressed and permits additional deep dives with drill-down functionality.
- Accounting Tab
Accounting segment predictions are made only for non-PO-backed invoices, and the Accounting tab displays the statistics for these invoices. This tab view provides better visibility on the accounting segments based on their autonomous levels and the Suppliers on invoices based on their autonomous levels. It also provides a clear view of how the autonomous process has progressed and permits additional deep dives with drill-down functionality.
Autonomous AP Invoice Dashboard
The Autonomous AP Invoice dashboard gives an overview of the risk and spend details of the invoices. It highlights any invoices that have been flagged as high-risk or tagged as exceptions.
The Autonomous AP Invoice Dashboard helps obtain a quick view of all the invoices processed, showcasing some of the key parameters related to Risk and Spending. This dashboard has two tabs: Risk and Spend.
Risk Tab
This tab provides a complete overview of the risks identified while the invoices were processed. It also provides a quick view of the high-risk invoices with their corresponding counts and amounts.
On this tab, Invoices flagged in the Review Validations state per Suppliers and distribution based on PO-backed and Non-PO-backed can be viewed. Drill-down functionality helps provide data for an additional deep dive.
Refer to the table below to check for the Risk Tab filters available on the Autonomous AP Invoice Dashboard:
Filters | Functioning |
Processing Date | Date when invoice processing started in the AP System. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | The name of the individual/company who has sent the invoice. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Invoice Type | It lets users choose between Live (Processed via AppZen) and Historical Live invoices. The Autonomous AP System processes the live invoices, while the historical invoices represent the already audited data provided during the initial onboarding process. |
Spend Tab
This tab helps identify and analyze quick-view details about the spend incurred while the invoices were processed.
This tab view helps AP Staff understand the spending patterns of the top Entities, Currencies, and Supplier payments incurred. For easy accounting and record-keeping, it provides a pie chart for the spend incurred based on the payment terms and a time-series spend chart. Drill-down functionality allows additional deep-dive.
Refer to the table below to check for the Spend Tab filters available on the Autonomous AP Invoice Dashboard:
Filters | Functioning |
Processing Date | Date when invoice processing started in the AP System. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | The name of the individual/company who has sent the invoice. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Invoice Type | It lets users choose between Live (Processed via AppZen) and Historical Live invoices. The Autonomous AP System processes the live invoices, while the historical invoices represent the already audited data provided during the initial onboarding process. |
Autonomous AP Consolidated Report
This report gives information on all the invoices processed in Autonomous AP. This report is a consolidated view and provides data at the Exception and Hold level.
Refer to the table below to check for the filters available on the Autonomous AP Consolidated Dashboard:
Filters | Functioning |
Processing Date | Date when invoice processing started in the AP System. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | The name of the individual/company who has sent the invoice. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Invoice Type | It lets users choose between Live (Processed via AppZen) and Historical Live invoices. The Autonomous AP System processes the live invoices, while the historical invoices represent the already audited data provided during the initial onboarding process. |
Team Operations Dashboard
This dashboard provides visibility into the current status of invoices that have yet to be processed and those assigned to the AP Staff.
This dashboard provides a single view of the volume of invoices and the processing capacity of the AP Staff. It has two tabs: Backlog and Assignments and Backlog and Assignments Trends.
This dashboard provides a view of all the available AppZen statuses for the invoices in the backlog.
Backlog and Assignments Tab
This view shows the backlog of invoices in the Autonomous AP across various statuses. It also provides visibility into the productivity of the AP staff through the invoices processed based on AppZen Status. Drill-down functionality allows for additional deep dives.
Refer to the table below to check for the filters available on the Team Operations Dashboard for Backlog & Assignments Tab:
Filters | Functioning |
Time Range | The time range to choose from when transactions took place in the system. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | The name of the individual/company who has sent the invoice. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow that is used to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Transaction Type | Choose between the available transaction types whose backlog and workload performance AP Managers want to see. |
AP Staff | Choose the name of the AP Staff member whose transaction the Manager wants to filter out. |
Backlog and Assignments Trends Tab
This view helps obtain information about the status of invoices processed, their corresponding autonomous levels, and the information about actions performed by the AP Staff.
A bar chart view provides visibility of transactions that were ingested compared to transactions that were addressed during the same period. The invoices under review charts offer visibility into the number of invoices in the Review Data state. This dashboard also provides visibility into the Voided and Rejected transactions.
The invoice autonomy trends view provides a pie-chart view of invoices per their autonomous levels and a trending view pattern of invoices over the past time frame. A drill-down functionality is provided for performing additional deep dives.
Refer to the table below to check for the filters available on the Team Operations Dashboard for Backlog & Assignments Trends Tab:
Filters | Functioning |
Time Range | The time range to choose from when transactions took place in the system. |
Time Grain | Users can choose Day, Week, etc. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | The name of the individual/company who has sent the invoice. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Transaction Type | Choose between the available transaction types whose backlog and workload performance AP Managers would like to see. |
AP Staff | Choose the name of the AP Staff whose transaction the Manager wants to filter out. |
Supplier Dashboard
The Supplier Dashboard provides insights into the performance of suppliers whose invoices have been processed through Autonomous AP. As an AP Staff, it helps track invoice status, identify suppliers with failed validations, and gain insights into invoice processing trends.
Using the Supplier Dashboard, AP Staff can understand the overall invoice processing metrics of suppliers and Assess which suppliers may be trying to circumvent company policies. They can also Assess which suppliers have the most delays in the AP process and why. Further, they can analyze whether there is scope to negotiate better terms with the suppliers.
The Supplier Dashboard has three tabs: Insights, Compliance, and Insights Exceptions and Holds.
Insights Tab
This provides a view of all the invoices and their data broken down by Suppliers, PO-backed or Non-PO-backed. Also, invoices from Suppliers with the most invalid POs and Suppliers wherein the AP Staff voided/rejected the most can be obtained here.
Refer to the table below to check for the filters available on the Supplier Dashboard for Insights Tab:
Filters | Functioning |
Processing Date | Date when invoice processing started in the AP System. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | The name of the individual/company who has sent the invoice. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Invoice Type | It allows users to choose between Live (Processed via AppZen) and Historical Live invoices. The live invoices are processed by the Autonomous AP System, while the historical invoices represent the already audited data provided during the initial onboarding process. |
Compliance Tab
This tab provides a view of suppliers that have defaulted based on the risk flagged by Autonomous AP during the validations state.
Here are invoices flagged as high risk for duplicates within invoices, duplicates across expenses and invoices, and suspicious supplier checks.
Refer to the table below to check for the filters available on the Suppliers Dashboard for Compliance Tab:
Filters | Functioning |
Processing Date | Date when invoice processing started in the AP System. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | The name of the individual/company who has sent the invoice. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Invoice Type | It allows users to choose between Live (Processed via AppZen) and Historical Live invoices. The live invoices are processed by the Autonomous AP System, while the historical invoices represent the already audited data provided during the initial onboarding process. |
Validation Name | Validation checks flagged during AP Audit |
Exceptions and Holds
The Exceptions and Holds tab displays invoices for suppliers put on hold or any type of Exception triggered by Autonomous AP. Exceptions at the invoice, attachment, or PO line level can also be viewed.
Refer to the table below to check for the filters available on the Suppliers Dashboard for Compliance Tab:
Filters | Functioning |
Processing Date | Date when invoice processing started in the AP System. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | Supplier or Vendor is the name of the person who sent the invoices. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Historical Invoices | Whether the invoice is Historical or not, the Historical Invoices represent the data provided during the initial onboarding process that has already been audited. |
Exception Name | Exceptions were raised during invoice extractions and predictions. |
Accrual Report
The Accrual Report generated by AppZen Autonomous AP shows a detailed view of the ingested invoices, their status, how the invoice data details were extracted, and how they moved through the approval cycle.
This, in turn, helps to give a comprehensive view of the accrued expenses and liabilities, giving AP Teams total control by understanding the accrued expenses and liabilities.
AP Staff can access the Accrual Report dashboard to help the AP Team monitor spend performance and identify problem areas where they can further drill down to obtain the depth of data needed to stay on track.
How the report works?
Accrual Report share the data of the invoices received from suppliers and moved to various stages in the invoice processing cycle. Thus the report allow AP teams to monitor and manage accruals effectively and understand the spend behavior of every supplier.
This report can be used to reconcile accrued expenses with invoices received from suppliers. By comparing the accrual amounts with the invoiced amounts, the user can ensure that all expenses are properly accounted for and identify any discrepancies that need to be resolved.
AP Staff can filter the data based on :
Filters | Functioning |
Processing At | Date when invoice processing started in the AP System. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | Supplier or Vendor is the name of the person who sent the invoice. |
AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Is PO Backed? | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Historical Invoices | Choose between True or False. The invoice Type Historical is selected by default. |
System ID | Choose the Unique ID assigned to each Processed Invoice. |
Schedule or Download the Customized Accrual Report
AppZen enables users to generate reports with desired schedules automatically. Users can also schedule or download reports automatically according to specific frequencies without logging in and manually creating reports. It comes with a bundle of benefits such as -
- This allows users to download reports on demand.
- Users can schedule the generation of reports at regular intervals.
- Users can view the statuses of all completed reports within the AppZen platform.
- After selecting the report, users can set or change recurring report generation frequencies and download reports on specific demand as required.
NOTE: This feature allows Functional Admins to manage and access reports more efficiently. Currently, this functionality is supported only for the Accrual Reports. This functionality is available within Autonomous AP, and users do not need to navigate Mastermind Analytics to generate the reports. |
Invoice Task Exception Report
This Report delivers detailed invoice and exception task information. It gives visibility into invoice exceptions, task assignments, and invoice aging, offering data-driven insights to prioritize tasks and optimize exception workflows.
Thus, to foster continuous improvement and SLA compliance, we introduced this new Invoice Exception Task report to combine invoice exception task tracking with process efficiency analysis.
Some of the key highlights of this report:
- Filter out the invoices with open exceptions.
- Get quick visibility to open exception tasks and their respective owners.
- Gain insights into the duration of open tasks and collect details such as to whom the task is assigned, what comments are made on those open tasks, etc.
AP Staff can filter the data based on :
Filters | Functioning |
Time Column | It helps to filter data based on the selected timestamp which includes various period such as Last Task Modified Time, Due Date, Last Update Date, Invoice Date, etc. |
Entity Name | The name of the entity to which the invoice is billed. |
Supplier Name | Supplier or Vendor is the name of the person who sent the invoice. |
PO Backed | Allows the dashboard filtering as per PO and non-PO-backed invoices to be processed in the system. |
Exceptions Name | Filter the invoices based on the available PO Exceptions in the system |
Current Task Assignee | Displays and filter the report based on the selected and current task assignee. |
Task Status | Each invoice task report enters and exists a workflow to helps AP users understand whether the tasks related to the assigned invoice is completed and determine whether they can be moved to the next AppZen status. Users can filter invoices based on their Open, On Hold, Closed, Pending Update, and Voided. |
Task Reassigned | You can set this option as True or False to filter the invoices which got reassigned - if set to true and if set to False it wont filter the invoices. |
Task Reassigned From | This option allows to filter report and track who was the last person who worked on the invoice before it got reassigned. |
Task Reassigned To | This option allows to filter report and track who is the current person who is going to work on the invoice after reassigning. |
Invoice AppZen Status | Each invoice follows a systematic workflow process as it enters and exits from the AppZen Autonomous AP solution. Each status represents a stage in an invoice's workflow to reach the customer's ERP system. Users can filter invoices based on their AppZen Status, such as Created, Processed, Review Data, Rejected, etc. |
Invoice Assignee | The AP Staff who assigns the invoice. |
Exception Code | Filter the report based on the exception codes and check the invoices which is categorized under those particular codes. |
Invoice Aging | Tthe report can be filtered to understand which invoices should be attended immediately based on the days of aging of the invoice. |
Due Date Aging | Filters the invoices to check which are approaching due dates or crossed dates and take necessary actions on them. |
Exception Aging | Filters the invoices based on the exception aging and see how long an exception task is pending on a particular invoice. |
Task Assignment Aging | Filters the invoices based on the task assignment aging and see how long an exception task is pending on a particular invoice. |
Latest Task Action | Filter the task based on the last task action taken on it such as whether it was Externally Fixed, No Actions taken, Overridden, Reassigned, Rejected or Requested Reprocess. |
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