Fetch Audit Results for Expense Reports in Bulk

To Fetch the Audit Results in bulk. You will get paginated audit-results.
For calling the API, you will need the access token

Request URI 

POST https://api.appzen.com/expense-audit-results/v2/reports/

Header Parameters

Name Type Description Required
Authorization String The valid token to authorize the request. Yes


Body Parameters

Name Type Description Required
from_submission_date String The submission start date from which the results need to be fetched. It is included in the results.

Allowed formats:
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss,
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS,
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSSZ
to_submission_date String The submission end date till which the results need to be fetched. It is included in the results.

Allowed formats:
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss,
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS, yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSSZ
from_audit_date String The audit start date from which the results need to be fetched. It is included in the results.

Allowed formats:
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss, yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS, yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSSZ
to_audit_date String The audit end date to which the results need to be fetched.
It is included in the results.

Allowed formats:
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss,
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS,
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSSZ
report_id_in String The external_report_ids for which you want to fetch the audit results. The external_report_id must be a comma-separated list. No
report_id_not_in String The  external_report_ids for which you do not want to fetch the audit results. The external_report_id must be a comma-separated list. No
page_number Number Zero-based page index, for which you want to fetch the audit results. No
page_size Number The Number of results per page.
The maximum limit is 200.
The Default value is 200.
sort_field String The field name on which the results are sorted upon.
  • Fields supported for sorting audit results are as follows:
    • current_risk_level
    • original_risk_level
    • computed_risk_level
    • created_at: default field for sorting.

      Note: For unsupported fields or if sort_field is empty, then the sorting will default to the field "created_at".
Sort_direction String The order in which the results are sorted.
ASC, for ascending sort order DESC, for descending sort order

Sample Request

curl -L -X POST 'https://api.appzen.com/expense-audit-results/v2/reports/' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJrxxxx' \
-H 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=7D4120C01A02DBDC70E6785E4044B141' \
--data-raw '{

Sample Response


    "content": [
            "customer_id": 100439,
            "external_report_id": "TestAPIReport5",
            "current_risk_level": "HIGH",
            "original_risk_level": "HIGH",
            "computed_risk_level": "HIGH",
            "audit_result_created_at": "2022-12-26 06:37:38.408",
            "header_level_risk_details": [
                    "rule_name": "Report Unauthorized Expenses",
                    "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                    "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                    "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                    "risk_message": "No unauthorized items were detected in report.",
                    "parameters": null
                    "rule_name": "Daily meal limit check",
                    "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                    "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                    "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                    "risk_message": "Meal expenses are within threshold",
                    "parameters": null
            "line_level_results": [
                    "external_exp_line_id": "352549197",
                    "line_level_risk_details": [
                            "rule_name": "Expense Age",
                            "current_risk_level": "MEDIUM",
                            "original_risk_level": "MEDIUM",
                            "computed_risk_level": "MEDIUM",
                            "risk_message": "The transaction date exceeds the expense age threshold but has low confidence.",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Weekend Expense",
                            "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "risk_message": "This expense is incurred during weekend days but the expense type is not applicable to apply this rule.",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Non-Conforming Receipt",
                            "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "risk_message": "No evidence of a non-conforming receipt was detected",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Amount Verification",
                            "current_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "original_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "computed_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "risk_message": "Amount for this line is above threshold of 20",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Amount Verification By Expense Type",
                            "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "risk_message": "No Configuration in Expense Type found.",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Receipt Verification",
                            "current_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "original_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "computed_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "risk_message": "User entered expense type is verified. Amount (USD 1200.00) and date (01-DEC-20) could not be verified.",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Merchant Price Check",
                            "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "risk_message": "Expense type is not in applicable categories for Price Audit.",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Unauthorized Expenses",
                            "current_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "original_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "computed_risk_level": "HIGH",
                            "risk_message": " Alcohol was/were detected on receipt.",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Duplicate Across Reports",
                            "current_risk_level": "MEDIUM",
                            "original_risk_level": "MEDIUM",
                            "computed_risk_level": "MEDIUM",
                            "risk_message": "Duplicate expense line was detected but the expense types of these lines were not added in audit configuration.",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Duplicate Within A Report",
                            "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "risk_message": "No duplicate expense line was detected within the same report",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Itemization Verification",
                            "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "risk_message": "N/A: Type of Receipt not Applicable",
                            "parameters": null
                            "rule_name": "Merchant Category Check",
                            "current_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "original_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "computed_risk_level": "LOW",
                            "risk_message": "Merchant was not detected as anything suspicious, could not find merchant info",
                            "parameters": null
    "pageable": {
        "sort": {
            "sorted": true,
            "unsorted": false,
            "empty": false
        "pageNumber": 0,
        "pageSize": 200,
        "offset": 0,
        "unpaged": false,
        "paged": true
    "last": true,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalElements": 1,
    "sort": {
        "sorted": true,
        "unsorted": false,
        "empty": false
    "first": true,
    "numberOfElements": 1,
    "size": 200,
    "number": 0,
    "empty": false


The request fails if you enter an invalid token.

    "timestamp": "2023-01-02T10:36:09.022+00:00",
    "status": 401,
    "error": "Unauthorized",
    "message":"Invalid unsecured/JWS/JWE header: Invalid JSON: Unexpected token Ț�Y\b����ٓ�[ZЍ�՛\f�]�Ә\\N����N���Z at position 41.",
    "path": "/v2/exp-audit-results/reports"

Response Code

Response Code Description
200 The request is successful.
500 The request failed.

See Also

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