API Reference Overview


This page provides an understanding of how the APIs behave. 
AppZen APIs are organized around REST as follows:

  • The API accepts form-encoded request bodies.
  • It returns JSON-encoded responses.
  • It uses standard HTTP response codes and verbs.

Request and Response structure

Request Structure

Request URI

The requests to AppZen APIs must be sent to the base URL:


For a particular call, append the base URL with the name of the resource. Some endpoints may contain Path Parameters.


Request Method

AppZen APIs use the standard HTTP Verbs/Methods.
Select the suitable method: GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE  based on the action to be performed. 

Request Headers

AppZen APIs use headers for authentication. AppZen supports OAuth1.0 and OAuth 2.0. based authentication.  For more details refer to Authentication.

Request Body

The request body supports JSON payloads.

Response Structure

Response Headers

The Standard HTTP response headers are returned.

Response Body

The response body is in JSON format returning the success or failure information.


At times there might be many audit results returned on fetching them. To handle this, the expense APIs support pagination per the JSON API specification for pagination

Response Codes

The endpoints in the AppZen APIs, return standard HTTP status codes for successful or unsuccessful operations. The following table describes the common response codes:

Response Code Description
2xx The request is successful.
4xx, 5xx The request failed.

Rate Limit

The Rate Limit helps guard against instability and attacks. You can make 10,000 API requests per month which is the default. You can increase this limit by contacting the AppZen Support team. Your request will be unsuccessful once you have consumed the available quota.

See Also

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