API List

API List

Based on their functionality, the Expense APIs are categorized as follows:

  • Authentication APIs
    The APIs required for authentication.
  • Expense Report Ingestion APIs
    The APIs required for ingestion of expense reports from your system into the AppZen system.
  • Expense Audit Results APIs
    The APIs for fetching the audit results of the expense reports.

Each page contains the resource description, APIs, methods, parameters, request examples, and response examples. Following is the list of available APIs:

Authentication APIs Description
Token Generation To Generates an access token to AppZen's API gateway for authentication and validation.


Expense Report Ingestion APIs Description
Generate the URL to Upload Attachment To Generate the URL for uploading the expense report.
Upload Attachment using the URL To Upload the attachment using the URL generated on calling the Generate the URL to Upload the Attachment
Upload Report Details To Upload the expense report details for ingestion. Call this API after all the required attachments are uploaded into the system.


Expense Audit Results APIs Description
Fetch Audit Results for a Single Expense Report To Fetch the Audit Results for a Single Expense Report.
Fetch Audit Results for Expense Reports in Bulk To Fetch the Audit Results in bulk.

See Also

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